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Village court

The village court is the arbitral tribunal of the plaintiffs and defendants, including the newly elected chairman of UP, members and other dignitaries of the area. In the village court, one party is the plaintiff and the other party is the defendant. The village court consists of 1 to 2 representatives from both the parties. In that village court, the chairman resolves all issues.
 Criminal matters
1. Matters related to theft
2. Dispute
3. Harmful crops, badiba damage to something else
4. Prevention of killing of cattle
5. Fraudulent matters
6. Physical assault, damage, use of force.
6. Gachichatkonomulyabandravyabajmiatnasat
 Civil matters
1. Recovery of possession of property
2. The value of the property of Ashabar
3. Compensation for the loss of property
4. Cases of payment of wages due to agricultural workers.
5. Receipt of money at the contract price